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12 Weird Valentine’s day traditions all over the world
Is Cupid a poor Shot?
Many people have come to realize that Cupid is actually a poor shot. There are so many lovesick people all over the world who have discovered the truth about Cupid on Valentine’s Day. There are actually 12 of the weirdest Valentine traditions to unveil. These traditions have been discovered around the world. They will startle and bewilder many.
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The top 12
There is a large variety of weird Valentine’s Day traditions all around the world.
The top 12 weirdest Valentine Day traditions include the following:
1. Apples and love; Decorating red apples will supposedly be a representation of the original love story. This would be the Adam and Eve story. Iraqi Kurds celebrates this day of love by truly decorating red apples.
2. A spoon in your mouth will speak volumes for some; if you are in Wales, you may expect to get something big, something hard and something to put in your mouth on Valentine’s Day. This is known as a wooden love spoon.
3. A chat for friends only; a disappointing tradition for many because the “just good friends” greeting card can feel like the last nail in the coffin. Valentine’s Day is not just for lovers in some areas. Friendship is the core of this holiday so everyone is included. This tradition was discovered in Estonia.
4. A charming farming day; Saint Valentine may not necessarily be heard in Slovenia because Valentine’s Day can be hectic. This is the day to wake up crops and the flowers. The idea is to get them ready to grow in the spring. This is a charming farming day.
5. The offering in Thailand; you will find the lovelorn women heading right to the Trimurti shrine on the traditional Valentine’s Day. Making an offering is not uncommon. You will see the laying of red roses, candles and even incense. These offerings are intended for the Hindu gods. Praying for a husband is part of this offering.
6. Gambeling on love; in Brazil, the idea of finding true love may simply be a gamble. Finding this kind of love is viewed as a lottery game by some. A single lady may write down the names of the men she fancies and the names will then be drawn from a hat by all of the single ladies. The one they pick is supposedly the man to marry.
7. The kissing orgy; it is very common, for the Filipinos, to feel an abundance of love on this very romantic day. February 14 is a day when over 5000 couples will be seen locking lips. This is an event that had been organized by a toothpaste maker. The original goal may have included stocking up on toothpaste prior to the kissing orgy.
8. A pig Valentine’s Day card; A hairy and fat pig may squeal “I love you” in Germany. Adding bacon to a heart is a staple on a loving Valentine card.
9. Place bay leaves on a pillow; the 17th Century ladies in England used to place bay leaves on their pillows the night before Valentine’s Day. The idea was to then foster a dream of their future husband. Hopes were high for a good dream that nigh.
10. A good long cry into your black noodles; this is a good day to mourn the fact that you have not actually found love. This is also Black Fools Day in South Korea. A singleton will need to wear dark colors, commiserate with those who are not in a relationship and eat black food too.
11. Asking your boss to be your Valentine; it is quite common, in Japan, to give the boss a Valentine’s gift. This is called ‘giri choco’ or even ‘obligation chocolate.’ It is an opportunity to buy chocolate for a male co-worker.
12. Dressing up in masks and feathers to celebrate ‘old love’; The Guatemalan oldies will host a senior citizens’ parade right through Guatemala City. Dressing up in masks and feathers in order to celebrate ‘old love.’
Weird yet True
These are 12 weird Valentine’s Day traditions. These are weird yet they are true traditions that hold meaning to some around the world. You are invited to add to this list or start a new tradition of your own.